
いよいよレッドウィングへ On to Red Wing

After a nice leisurely morning, we left busy downtown Chicago for the airport. Our flight was delayed for about an hour, but we finally took off. And then...

We met the lovely folks from Red Wing who came to pick us up at the airport! At first, since we were arriving on a weekday afternoon, only sister city commission members who could leave work were going to meet us there, but as it turned out, we were excited to see representatives from all four host families there. (In this picture are Tom Brase- last year's Red Wing chaperon and chairperson of the Ikata Committee of the Sister City Commission, and Terri Johnson, one of our wonderful host mothers.)

Steve was there with welcome signs, as well. After we took the group picture above, the families quickly set about bringing the Ikata kids and their luggage to their respective vehicles. Then everyone had dinner with their families, drove back down to Red Wing, and started getting to know their new family members!


  1. It's wonderful!
    Have a good time in red wing.

  2. みんな元気な様子で安心しました。さて、これからが本番ですね。自分で出来る事は進んでして、ホストファミリーに迷惑をかけないよう、そして、積極的に会話をして下さい。



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