
お別れ会と陶芸 Farewell Party & Pottery

Today we were free until the evening, when at 6pm the Larkins hosted a farewell party for us. Tom and Claire's son went to Ikata in 2008. While they live in Red Wing, Tom uses the family farm in Featherstone for his pottery craft- creating and selling items there.

We were fortunate to have Mayor Dennis Egan join us, and he presented each of the Ikata students with gifts from the City of Red Wing. Then the students took turns expressing their gratitude to the mayor.

We had another sumptuous dinner: kebabs with beef, shrimp, tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, and eggplants; roast asparagus, fruit, jello, and cupcakes; and Sister Cities Commission chairman Tao even brought his special homemade gyoza! After dinner, Tom showed the kids how to use the pottery wheels.

When Tom Brase handed out signature sheets, everyone ran around getting as many of their friends' signatures as they could. Before we knew it, it was time to go home.

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