
it's all kimono to me

When you think of Japanese traditional clothing, does a kimono come to mind?

Wikipedia has a great breakdown of the different styles of kimono and other traditional clothing in Japan. Kimono literally means "thing to wear." But above are some pictures of clothes you'll see in Ikata this summer.

There are two kinds of jimbei and yukata. One is plain, dark, and earth-toned with geometrical patterns--this is the style for men and boys. Ladies' jimbei and yukata tend to be more brightly colored, with fruit, flowers, fireworks, butterflies, or dragonflies as decorative motifs. The yukata obi (belt) is tied at the back. Men's obis are fairly narrow at about 10 centimeters, and tie simply, while women's obis are much wider at 30-40 centimeters, and can be tied in a variety of ways.

Jimbei are most often worn as men's pajamas and in casual situations, much like sweatpants and beaters in the US. Jimbei for women and children are also gaining popularity, though you never see women running errands in them. This kind of clothing is often seen at festivals like the Kinahaiya Matsuri.

Yukata are most often worn at festivals, especially for the fireworks display.

Another kind of clothing is the happi, which is a jacket like a jimbei top, but tied with a thin belt in front and made of thicker material. A lot of happi are designed with logos, so that the wearers can promote their company or club at special events. At the Ikata Odori (dance), you will see happi in different colors, representing different dance teams from local associations and the town hall.

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