
Days 6 and 7: Ceremonies, tours and experiences 儀式、町内めぐり、文化体験

木曜日と金曜日はとても忙しかったです。木曜日派遣生は陶芸を体験して、記念植樹をして、そして、歓迎会に参加しました。これは陶芸教室です。Thursday and Friday were very busy. On Thursday, the students had a ceramics class, planted a memorial tree, and had a formal welcome party. This is a picture of the ceramics class.
伊方派遣団の結団式・壮行会 The formal sending off ceremony for the Ikata students going to Red Wing.
レッドウィングパークで記念撮影 Memorial photograph taken at Red Wing Park.
レッドウィングパークで記念植樹 Memorial tree planted at Red Wing Park.
歓迎会で各ホストファミリーは感想を言いました。At the welcome party, each host family made a brief reflection on how the program has been going thus far.
ホストファミリーの感想 Host family reflections
ホストファミリーの感想 Host family reflections
歓迎会の後で、瀬戸アグリトピアに泊まって、次の日は町内めぐり。これは瀬戸の風車です。After the welcome party, the students stayed the night at the lodge and then headed out on a town tour the next day. Here they are looking at the windmills in Seto.
海の景色 Looking out to the sea
伊方町出身の、中村修二教授のノーベル賞受賞を記念した石碑 A monument for Nobel Prize winner Shuji Nakamura, who was born in Ikata.
瀬戸農業公園 Seto Agricultural Park
町見郷土館 Machimi Kyudokan, a museum about the history of Ikata
町見郷土館 Machimi Kyudokan
亀ヶ池温泉で昼食 Lunch at the Kamegaike Onsen
亀ヶ池温泉の足湯 Foot bath at the Kamegaike Onsen
亀ヶ池温泉でお魚エステ体験 Fish baths at the Kamegaike Onsen
町内めぐりの後で、町民会館へ行って、文化体験をしました。これは書道です。After the town tour the students went to the town community center for calligraphy and tea ceremony experiences.
書道 Calligraphy
書道 Calligraphy
茶道体験 Tea ceremony
茶道 Tea ceremony

この2日間は忙しかったですが、たくさんのことを経験し、充実していました。皆、お疲れ様です! These two days were quite busy, but everyone was able to experience and learn a quite a lot!

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