The Ikata students spent another wonderful day in Red Wing today. After visiting Red Wing City Hall and the Red Wing Police Department, they headed off to make some Japanese food for the potluck dinner tonight. Things didn't end up getting started until about 8pm that night because cooking took a bit longer than usual but there was so much food and it was so good that soon we all forgot about the late start and started having a blast.
There are plenty of pictures today. I look forward to hearing you comments and feel free to leave any questions you may have as well.
The Ikata students spent another wonderful day in Red Wing today. After visiting Red Wing City Hall and the Red Wing Police Department, they headed off to make some Japanese food for the potluck dinner tonight. Things didn't end up getting started until about 8pm that night because cooking took a bit longer than usual but there was so much food and it was so good that soon we all forgot about the late start and started having a blast.
There are plenty of pictures today. I look forward to hearing you comments and feel free to leave any questions you may have as well.
警察署を訪れる前、レッドウィング市役所を見学しました。 Before visiting the Police Department, we headed over to the Red Wing City Hall |
姉妹都市展示室で展示しているこのペンで姉妹都市提携書が サインされました。 The pen that was used to sign the Sister Cities Agreement document with Ikata is on display in the Sister Cities Room. |
この絵もレッドウィング市役所の姉妹都市展示室で展示しています。 This painting was also on display in the Sister Cities Display Room in the Red Wing City Hall (Kamegaike Pond) |
羽子板も太鼓も姉妹都市展示室で展示しています。 Japanese Hagoita (paddle boards) and Taiko (drums) were also available on display. |
レッドウィング市長のベンダーさんは笑顔で市役所を案内しました。 Red Wing Mayor Bender showed us around City Hall with a smile. |
Click "Read More" to see the remaining pictures.
ベンダー市長は「レッドウィング市にはるばる来てくれてありがとう」 と言いました。レッドウィング市のブローチをくれました。 We all got a Red Wing broach from the City of Red Wing. "Thank you for coming all this way to Red Wing", said Mayor Bender. |
その後、議場を見学しました。 After that we toured the City Council Chamber |
その後、警察署へ移りました。 After that, we headed over to the Police Department. |
最後にレッドウィング市警察のパトカーを見させてくれました。 Finally, they let us take a close-up look at the Red Wing squad cars. |
今まで使っていた白いパトカーと今から使うようにしている白黒パトカーを 両方見る事ができました。 They let us look at the while models that have been used in the past and the new black & whites that they have begun to use. |
ツアーが終わったら、みんなで指揮通信車の前で記念写真を撮りました。 At the end of the tour we all took a final shot in between the two squad cars and in front of the mobile command unit. |
夕方はジョンソンさんの家でポットラックという夕食の予定でした。 メアリーさんは引率の先生を連れて行きました。ありがとう、メアリー! We had plans that night for a potluck dinner at the Johnson's. Mrs. Rauterkus gave the two chaperones a ride there. Thank you! |
去年のレッドウィング市派遣生のヘレンさんもフォスターさんも マリッサーさんもいてとても賑やかで楽しかったです。 Helen, Foster, and Marissa, exchange students from last year's group from Red Wing, joined in. |
ジョンソンさんが用意したおつまみです。 アメリカのキャンディと日本のおつまみです。 The Johnson's really put together a great party. They even had American and Japanese snacks on every table. |
食べる前に庭で遊びました。 Playing outside in the yard before dinner. |
犬はボール投げゲームを遊ぶのが大好きでした。 ボールを鉄砲みたいなものに入れて撃ちました。 The dog loved to play fetch. You would shoot the ball out from a gun-looking object. |
みんなが揃ったら、食べました。 Once everyone had arrived, we dug in. |
ホノカさんはそうめんの食べ方をホストファミリーに 教えました。 Honoka showed everyone how to prepare and eat the somen noodle. |
フォスターさんは「おいしい」と言っています。 Foster saying "oishii" (delicious) |
アダチ先生とブライアン・ジョンソンさん 子供が作ったものを食べ、ゆったりとした時間を過ごしました。 Mr. Adachi, the chaperone from Ikata, and Mr. Johson Spending a pleasant time enjoying the delicious food that the kids made for everyone. |
なんか、ひとつの家族になったという感じがしました。 It almost felt like we had become one big family. |
大人達は地下室に移動し、卓球を遊び始めました。 これを見た子供達は遊びたくなって一緒に遊びました。 The adults came down and started playing some ping-pong! That was ok though because the kids saw this and joined in. |
明日、荷造りのため午前中は何も予定が入れていませんが、午後からはミネアポリス市でプロ野球観戦を行います。Until tomorrow, good night!