Now on their third day in Ikata, what better way to really commemorate the arrival of the Red Wing exchange students than by having a tree planting and welcome party? As the Red Wing kids are quickly learning, the people of Ikata really know how to pack in a full-day of activities though so you can bet it wasn't just going to be a tree planting.
The day started off with the kids going to visit their nearby schools. Sage and Josie went to Misaki Junior high, Leslie went to Seto Junior High, and the rest headed to Ikata Junior High. After a tour of the school grounds some students sat in on a class, some students stitched school mascots, made parfaits, and played table tennis with students, and still others got to enjoy an amazing band concert and play basketball with the Ikata students. In Misaki, Josie and Sage tried their hand at volleyball and soft tennis, "It was so hot outside!" they said. When I asked what they thought was the most interesting thing they saw at Misaki Junior High they told me "It was interesting to see all the classroom windows open during class. In Red Wing they keep the windows closed."
午前中レッドウィング派遣生は各地域の中学校を訪問しました。セージとジョージは三崎中学校へ、レスリーは瀬戸中学校へ、残りの4人は伊方中学校へ行きました。学校の施設の見学が終わってから、学校のマスコットを編んだり、 パルフェを作ったり、卓球を遊んだりした派遣生もいて、学校のバンドの演奏を聴いたり、バスケットボールを遊んだりした派遣生も居ました。三崎中学校で見学したジョージとセージはバレーボールとソフトテニスをやってみました。「楽しかったけど、暑かったよ!」とセージ。中学校訪問の何かが気になりましたかと私は聞いてみますと、「教室の窓はずっと開けっ放しだって驚きました。レッドウィングなら、必ず窓を閉めるから。」と答えました。
The afternoon found everyone heading over to the local CATV station to see the Hassei TV studio. "Would you like to hold one of the cameras?" asked Mr. Sugawara, our guide. A few of the students did. When you get a chance, ask them what it feels like to hold a $25,000 camera. : )
After the tour the group was joined by two of Ikata's Assistant Language Teachers and we painted our names in Japanese on Tobe-style "Yunomi" Japanese tea cups. "How do I write my name in Japanese?" asked Morley and Helen. "Like this!" said Mr. Sasaki our pottery guide, Morley = 萌羽梨Helen= 平恋
Tomorrow we are going to watch the Seto Junior-High School boys volleyball team compete in the prefectural tournament. It's akin to state tournaments in the USA. So, to help cheer on the boys, after we finished pottery we brought out supplies to make some "uchiwa" fans with the names of each of the players on them. "Which ones are cute?" asked some of the Red Wing students...
From there it was a sendoff ceremony for the Ikata exchange students and out into Red Wing park where the tree-planting ceremony officially got underway. Everyone took turns placing soil on the 11th tree planted in friendship by Red Wing student delegations. This year's tree is called "Hanamizu-ki" in Japanese, Flowering Dogwood in English.
Rounding off they day, students and host family members all gathered at a place called Seto Agritopia where a big welcome party was held in honor of the Red Wing students. The Red Wing chaperone Shelley presented the Ikata International Exchange Association Chair Mr. Hirose with a hand-made start quilt from the Prairie Island Indian Community while pictures from our Tokyo and Hiroshima tours played in the background. With close to fifty people in attendance, the initial awkwardness melted away and soon conversation and laughter was filling the room. Most of the food was gobbled up and Marissa and Leslie even tried the sea snails!
That night we all stayed at the Agritopia lodge under a full moon looking over the ocean. Another busy day and plenty more to come.
Welcome Reception at Ikata Middle School
伊方中学校での歓迎式 |
Our new film crew!
八西CATVの新スタッフ |
Thanks to our guide, Mr. Sugawara
菅原さん、お世話になりました。 |
Foster in the hot seat! Hassei CATV's newest announcer.
八西CATVの最新アナウンサー |
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