Fun days continue in Red Wing. Within Thursday the 8th and Friday the 9th alone, the Ikata students went to watch a baseball game, had a pizza party, watched fireworks, played volleyball and ping-pong, and went to the Mall of America with the kids (their new best friends?) from Red Wing. The low temperatures for Friday were in the 60s though so everyone put on some warm clothes for the game. We all got Saint Paul Saints hats and enjoyed some hot dogs while watching the game. It got underway with the American national anthem and then in the 7th inning, everyone started rooting on the team, signing "Take me out to the ball game". It was a great time even though we ended up losing 1-3.
最低気温は15度までさがりました! 冬用の服と毛布が必要でした。 寒くて体の調子を気をつけてくださいね。 The temperatures got into the 60s! We had to wear some winter clothes. Careful out there in the cold, everyone! |
パノラマを見ればアメリカのマイナー・リーグの試合の様子がわかります。 |
大リーグじゃないので、人が集まらないわけではなくて、 けっこう人気なんで、楽しいです。 |
残りの10枚の写真を見るには下の「Read More」のボタンをクリックをしてください。ピザ・パーティーの時に撮った写真のありますので、ぜひみてね!
To check out the remaining 10 pictures (including pictures from the pizza party!), please click on the "Read More" button below.
試合後花火が打ち上がり盛り上がりました。 There was a fireworks show after the game. |
帰ったのは11時でした。 We didn't get home until 11pm. |
ジョンソン(フォスター)の実家で、みんなが集まり、 ピザ・パーティーが開催されました。 Everyone got together and we had a pizza party at the Johnson's. |
ジョンソンお父さんはピザブ奉行。 あら、夏奈さん、ちゃんと手伝っているの? |
ピザが焼いている間に、外へ出て遊びました(バレーボール) Playing outside (volleyball) while the pizzas cooked. |
そして一緒に食べました。 And then we all ate together. |
卓球も Ping-pong too! |
On Friday the 9th, the Ikata exchange students went to the biggest mall in the USA (Mall of America) before going to watch the baseball game. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures so we don't have any today. I'm sorry!
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