
「11日目と12日目」 帰国 Day 11 and 12: Heading Home



 Yesterday the Ikata Junior-High Student Overseas Delegation arrived safely in Japan. After one night in the Tokyu hotel in Haneda airport, they headed on their way back to Ikata. As one would expect, the student's present-packed suitcases were very heavy. One of them was close to 100 pounds! From Matsuyama airport everyone got on a bus and I --thinking they would be tired--assumed they would all fall asleep on the ride home but boy was I wrong! They were really excited! "Are you all happy to be back?", I asked. "Yeah!" came their reply unanimously. But that's when Hirokazu turned to me and added, "Well...I'm happy, of course, but I wish I could have stayed longer. As long as if I was with my host family."

 Our meeting when all the students report on their trip is set for sometime next month. Good luck everyone with writing your reports and see you all again then!

Everyone in smiles as they arrive in Matsuyama Airport
and leave the baggage claim area. Welcome home!

IIEA Chair Mr. Hirose came out to say a word of welcome
to the kids in the blistering 95-degree weather.


「9日目・10日目」お別れ会とフリーの一日 Day 9 and 10: Farewell Party and a Free Day


 The Red Wing homestay came to a close on Sunday, August 11th. The farewell party was held at the Lappegaard's and all the host families brought food to share. After the meal everyone took time to enjoy eachother's company outside, write letters to eachother, and take plenty of pictures to remember all the good times they had together.
 Sunday was a day to pack bags and rest get ready to head home but, just as one might expect from such a lively bunch, it soon was jam-packed with just a few more fun memories to take home.

ファミリー・ピクチャーでみんなが集まり、撮りました。ストレッフ・ファミリー、thank you!

Thank you Marissa and Leslie for everything.
A very fruit-filled dessert prepared for us by Leslie's mother. Thank you!

写真をもっと見るには、下の「READ MORE」ボタンにクリックをしてください。
To see many more pictures, click on the "Read More" button below.


「7日目・8日目」ピザ・パーティーと野球 Day 7 and 8: Pizza Parties and Baseball

 レッドウィングでの楽しい日々が続いています。8月8日(木)と8月9日(金)の2日間の間だけで野球観戦、ピザ・パーティー、花火大会、バレーボール、卓球などアメリカのレッドウィング市の子供達(親友?)といろいろ交流しました。金曜日の最低気温はなんと15度で、派遣生は冬用の服を着て試合を観戦しました。Saintsというチームのぼうしをもらって、ホットドッグとミニボトルのチケットももらって食べながら応援しました。アメリカの国歌で始まり、7回の攻撃の時にはみんなでTake me out the ball gameを歌いました。試合は1−3でまけました。

 Fun days continue in Red Wing. Within Thursday the 8th and Friday the 9th alone, the Ikata students went to watch a baseball game, had a pizza party, watched fireworks, played volleyball and ping-pong, and went to the Mall of America with the kids (their new best friends?) from Red Wing. The low temperatures for Friday were in the 60s though so everyone put on some warm clothes for the game. We all got Saint Paul Saints hats and enjoyed some hot dogs while watching the game. It got underway with the American national anthem and then in the 7th inning, everyone started rooting on the team, signing "Take me out to the ball game". It was a great time even though we ended up losing 1-3.

The Ikata and Red Wing kids had a great time watching the baseball game.
The hats all say "Saint Paul Saints" the name of the baseball team.
The temperatures got into the 60s! We had to wear some winter clothes.
Careful out there in the cold, everyone!

There aren't as many spectators because it's a minor-league game but,
Americans say that minor-league games can be much more fun that major league ones.



残りの10枚の写真を見るには下の「Read More」のボタンをクリックをしてください。ピザ・パーティーの時に撮った写真のありますので、ぜひみてね!
To check out the remaining 10 pictures (including pictures from the pizza party!), please click on the "Read More" button below.


「6日目」バファロー牧場とボーリング Day 6: Buffalo Pastures and Bowling


So much is happening in Red Wing it is hard to keep up! From bowing to checking out the buffalo pastures, pizza parties and visits to the Red Wing Shoes store, the host families are really pulling all the stops.  Thank you so much and stay safe.  



Click below to see more pictures from the buffalo pastures and bowling!
バファロー牧場、そしてボーリングの写真をもっと見るには、下の「Click Here」にクリックをしてください。


レッドウィング市での最初の5日間 The first 5 days in Red Wing.

It has been too long since I last updated the blog and so much has happened since then!  Apologies for the delay and please allow me briefly summarize all that has happened.

Arrival and Welcome at Minneapolis Airport

Taking a break at the Streff's

A field trip to Red Wing High School

There are some Ikata exchange students who went to the Municipal Airport.

To see the rest of the pictures, click here!


シカゴでツアーを!Touring Chicago!

今日はシカゴで一日観光をしました。伊方町中学派遣生は伊方町友好親善団と一緒に、歴史のある建築の街のシカゴを回り、いろいろ見学をしました。25年間世界一高層ビルだったウィリスタワーをのぼり, 103階の展望台からの見下ろしは最高でした。お土産の買い物はちょっとしてから、ミレニアムパーク(公園)に行き、クラウド・ゲート、野外コンサートホールを見ました。のどがちょっと乾いて水を買いましたが、何と一本300円!ランチは飲茶、午後からシカゴ美術館(アメリカ三大美術館)へ行きました。時差ぼけと観光の疲れもあったかもしれませんが、子供ら疲れそうな顔をしていてホテルへ帰りました。

Today was a full day of tours in Chicago. The Ikata student delegation and the Friendship delegation travelled all around the historic and beautiful architecture. It was amazing to behold the view from the observation deck on the 103rd floor. After shopping for a minute we headed over to Millenium park where we got water for three dollars (omg expense!) Then it was some Chinese for lunch before heading over to the Art Institute Chicago. Not sure if it was from exhaustion of just tired form the jet lag but the kids really started looking tired by the end of the day.

Please wait just a little longer for more detailed descriptions under the photos.          

Breakfast at the Hotel: Eggs, French toast, yogurt!

I wonder what Kana is looking at.

It's Willis Tower! Recognized as the tallest building in the USA for 25 years.

伊方町友好親善団 ウィリス・タワー前
The Ikata Friendship Delegation posing in front of the tower entrance.

In front of the entrance to Willis Tower


アメリカへ! To America!

伊方町中学海外派遣団と伊方町友好親善団は昨日(7月31日)に伊方町役場前に集合して、アメリカへ出発しました。無事にアメリカのシカゴ市に着いて、夕食を食べて、ワイファイに繋がってから「Good Night」と疲れそうな顔でみんな言いました。長い一日、お疲れ様でした!明日も忙しくてシカゴ市内ツアーで予定がギュウギュウとなっている一日ですので、よく休んでくださいね。

The Ikata Junior--High School Student Overseas delegation and the Ikata Friendship Delegation gathered in front of the Ikata town office and took off today (July 31st) bound for the United States. They arrived in Chicago without a scratch and with little delay and made their way into the city, grabbed some Japanese-American style teppanyaki beef dinner, and fell fast asleep after saying a big "Good night" (after finally successfully connecting to the hotel wifi, whew!) Good job today everyone! We have a big day of sightseeing in Chicago tomorrow so be sure to get a good-night's rest. 

All lined up in front of the bus. A message from the Ikata International Association Chair
Mr. Hirose, and we were on our way.

Then the vice-mayor of Ikata said a few words of parting.

The KNT tour guide giving the students their e-tickets.

On the flight from Matsuyama to Haneda Airport.
Click here to see MANY more photos including the student's arrival in Chicago! 

The Final Days in Ikata RW派遣生の伊方町での最後の日々

A couple days late in the coming, here it is, the final installation of the Red Wing student delegation’s exciting and very educational trip to Ikata. The last day was a free day, time to pack and say the last goodbyes to host families and host siblings that would not be making the trip to Red Wing. Some students spent the day with their host families by heading to the beach, others treated their host families to some American-style gourmet, and still others got to see a local shrine festival called Wanuke and throw lucky rice cakes.


It is amazing how fast the ten days have passed. The next morning everyone got up bright and early and met in front of the Ikata town office (the same place that had been filled with street vendors and local festival-goers only just a few days before) where International Exchange Association chair Mr. Hirose said a few words of farewell before turning it over to Shelley the chaperone of the Red Wing delegation for a few parting remarks.


Bags we loaded, tears were shed, and we made our way to Matsuyama airport where they took off on time.


Thanks to Shelley for uploading all the pictures and keeping us updated as to the status of the Red Wing Student Delegation, I can say that they have all made it back to Red Wing, safe and sound…and probably very exhausted. 


Wanuke Festival at the Yawata Shrine in Ikata.

A greeting from Mr. Hirose to the crowd.

The big straw ring. It is believe that if you walk through the ring three times
while wishing for something, that your wish will come true.
Most people wish for a healthy year and happy family.

A few Red Wing students throwing the lucky rice cakes!

Click here to see 20 more pictures!