
2011 Trip Diaries

Impressions and trip diaries from the exchange program are slowly being added.  For now, the impressions of both of this year's chaperons from Japan as well as one student are now available.  If you would like to submit your own impression (student, chaperone, host family) please feel free to contact me.

You can view the complete translated copy by clicking on the link "2011 Trip Diary" located on the home bar above.


日本へ出発 Departure for Japan


It was tight, but the kids made it onto their plane out of Minneapolis. Everyone gathered at the designated parking lot in Red Wing promptly at 5am, and we were on our way to the airport at 5:10, arriving at MSP about one hour later, at 6:10. Then came the big time-consumer: checking in and checking baggage. Until recently, international passengers were allowed to carry 70 lbs. per checked suitcase, but now it has been reduced to 50 lbs, just like domestic flights. I heard that the charge for checking overweight bags is around $200, and there was a lot of frantic repacking at the check-in counter. Luckily, the good people at United knew about our situation and made sure the plane didn't leave without the kids and their chaperons. I hope that they made their Chicago connection without difficulty and that they are now on their way to Tokyo. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wanted to go with them!


最後まで友達と一緒 Fun with Friends to the End!

Tonight I was happy to be included in an informal farewell party at the Johnsons' house. Yesterday, the mayor and members of the Sister Cities Commission came to see us off officially, but tonight's gathering was just the host families. It was good to see the kids having fun in their natural element.

In a few hours, we will be getting up and heading to the airport. Just like every year, tonight I heard several kids saying how they'd like to stay in Red Wing. This is, I think, the most valuable part of international exchange. Rather than merely cramming grammar and facts into their heads from far away, the kids are able to fully experience another country and come to appreciate the good in another culture. Usually, we find that that good dwells in people. And when those people become like family to us, the "foreign country" comes to be like home. While not losing pride in the greatness of our own country, I believe that once we discover something great about another country, we become truly international and peace-loving people.

ペピン湖でウオタースキー Water Skiing on the Lake

Ok, let's try water skiing.
-by Steve



The boys are all water skiing!
Today, the girls went to St. Paul.
Tonight there will be a get together at the Johnsons' house.
The plan for tomorrow is to meet at 5am and then caravan to the airport together so we won't be late or leave anyone/thing behind.

お別れ会と陶芸 Farewell Party & Pottery

Today we were free until the evening, when at 6pm the Larkins hosted a farewell party for us. Tom and Claire's son went to Ikata in 2008. While they live in Red Wing, Tom uses the family farm in Featherstone for his pottery craft- creating and selling items there.

We were fortunate to have Mayor Dennis Egan join us, and he presented each of the Ikata students with gifts from the City of Red Wing. Then the students took turns expressing their gratitude to the mayor.

We had another sumptuous dinner: kebabs with beef, shrimp, tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, and eggplants; roast asparagus, fruit, jello, and cupcakes; and Sister Cities Commission chairman Tao even brought his special homemade gyoza! After dinner, Tom showed the kids how to use the pottery wheels.

When Tom Brase handed out signature sheets, everyone ran around getting as many of their friends' signatures as they could. Before we knew it, it was time to go home.


アイススケート Ice Skating

A new experience, ice skating.
-by Steve



ターゲットフィルド Target Field

Target field.
-by Steve

ツインズ試合 Twins Game

Beautiful evening at the Minnesota Twins game. All the Ikata students are here.
-by Steve


お昼とその後 Lunch


Everyone had lunch with their host families or siblings after our morning at the Y. I went with Tom, Reiko, and Masaya to a bakery down the street, and we had this sort of lunch: rustic steak and mushroom soup, a soft roll with butter, a side salad, and chai tea. We were all absolutely full at the end of the meal.


バレー Volleyball

Next, the Ikata kids played volleyball with the Red Wing girls.

Tom was impressed by the plays the Ikata kids were setting up. He said, "I wish they would come and play for Red Wing!"

クライミングが楽しい More Climbing Fun

Look at Shouta, trying his hardest not to grin!

クライミング Yoshi Climbing


Before getting on the wall, there were two vital questions to ask.
The first was, "On belay?", to which the reply was "Belay is on."
The second was "Can I climb?" After the response "Climb on," we knew it was okay to start.

Look at Yoshi go!

When it was time to come down, we had to hold on to the rope, lean away from the wall and just use our feet to gently walk ourselves back down. Yoshi and everyone else had so much fun they went back to climb the wall a few more times!

ズンバ体験 ZUMBA

With our safety harnesses in place, we began our Zumba class! Alicia led us for a fun half hour or so of dancing. She told us, "the most important thing is to feel the music!"

スポセン:ウオール・クライミング Wall Climbing @ YMCA


We spent the morning at the YMCA, a sports and recreation center. The one in Red Wing is downtown, and seems well patronized by the general public as well as the Red Wing kids who came along with us. First of all, we learned how to securely fasten our safety harnesses for the rock wall.

Pull that belt good and tight!


レッドウィングシューズ Red Wing Shoes

After our hike, we went to the original Red Wing Shoes store downtown. Housed in the store is what just may be the world's largest boot.

The Ikata kids were making the most of this souvenir-buying opportunity!

バーンブラッフその2 Barn Bluff, Part 2

Yesterday's hiking experience was a little bit tough in some places-- with people hiking ahead and behind, the grass and foliage growing thick over the path, and mosquitoes and bees buzzing around in abundance. We could hear the kids behind exclaiming "it scratches!" and "it's cold!" as they brushed past the dewy grasses, but as a hiking adventure and an introduction to Minnesotan flora, it was a valuable experience.
The body of water just below the horizon is Lake Pepin. It was formed by the Mississippi River.


ベイポイントパーク Bay Point Park

Fun at Bay Point Park.
-by Steve


バーンブラッフ(崖)でハイキング Hiking Barn Bluff


リバーシティーデーズ終わり End of River City Days

The art exhibition at Red Wing Depot and the booths along the river and Ikata Drive went on until about 4pm on Sunday. Many thanks to everyone who made this year's festival so much fun!

お疲れ! Finish~

The 2011 Ikata Student Delegation

スタート! Go!

When we turned onto Red Wing's downtown 3rd Street, the parade was in full swing for us. For the first half, the boys beat their taiko while the girls handed out candy and souvenirs, and of course they switched for the second half.

Many children lined the streets, happily gathering up candy.

Here are Risa and Maho handing out souvenirs from Ikata!

Owing to fewer participants in this year's parade, we kept walking most of the time, without stopping. We thought we could do a few short performances if the parade got stuck as it has in the past, but it turned out there wasn't time. Still, Tom said that he saw a lot of people who looked really happy to see the Ikata kids, especially with their taiko and costumes. Among them were also several young people who went to Ikata in past years. (Hannah and Emily from last year, to name two!)

Reiko was busy drumming the whole parade. Without her guidance, we would not have been able to pull off such a fun parade at the 2011 River City Days festival. Thank you for all your hard work, Reiko!

パレードの前 Ready, Get Set...

The first thing we did today was get dressed at the Jordan Tower at noon and hang around for a little while with the residents and Chris's nephews.

Tom's convertible was gleaming and ready to go.

We were number 31 in the parade's line-up, so after the parade's official start at 1pm we had a while to wait. The kids kept busy by practicing with their taiko drums...

...and of course, goofing around with their friends.