とても嬉しいです!子供たちはすぐに 「蒸し暑いね」 と言いました。
We're home! We have arrived safely at Matsuyama airport. Everyone is very happy of course but the kids were quick to announce "It's pretty humid here,huh?"
ホテルにて、一緒に旅の最終夕食を At the Hotel, a Final Dinner Together
At the end of a long day, we all gathered together at the restaurant in Tokyu Hotel in Haneda Airport for a delicious somewhat Japanese meal. Tired faces all around. Good work everyone!
エクセルホテル東急のロビーで In the lobby of Tokyu Excel Hotel |
お疲れ様でした!頂きましょう!Good work, everyone! Let's eat! |
Look's good, doesn't it? 美味しそうですね? |
At the Airport! シカゴ空港にて
送別会 The Farewell Party
It is hard to believe that the time has already come for us to say goodbye. The farewell party was held at the Larkin Pottery Farm. The Larkins prepared dinner and dessert. It was a great chance for all of us to spend one last evening together before heading home.
Our teacher, Mr. Larkin 我々の先生:ラーキンさん |
A final picture together at the farewell party. 送別会の記念写真 |
姉妹都市委員長タオ・ペンさんもやってみました!Even Sister Cities Chair Mr. Tao Peng tried his hand at it! |
クリス・ワルチュとワルチュ奥様も送別会にきてくださいました。 |
素敵な体験 A Lovely Experience
2人の引率者の一人の阿達先生が今回のブログの記事は書いてくださいました。Today's blog entry was written by Mr. Adachi, one of our two chaperones.
The day is just around the corner when the students will board a plane to leave Minnesota. Time goes by in a flash in Red Wing.
During my stay in this beautiful city, I met a young man named Chad. He said to me, "I visited Ikata and enjoyed staying with my host family five years ago." Chad is always friendly and kind to our students. I am very happy to know that he has remembered the people of Ikata even after coming back to his hometown of Red Wing. The friendship between Red Wing and Ikata really ought to continue from here on out. I hope that the lovely experiences these students have had during their time here in Red Wing help to one day strengthen the friendly ties between our sister cities.
Thank You, Chad! ありがとう、チャド! |
An Amazing Dinner with the Farrars フェーリさん達との素敵な夕食
Last night, we had a wonderful dinner over at the Farrar family household. After that, we roasted some marshmallows on the fire and then made the ever-so traditional American desert sandwich: the S'more.
フェールさんのベランダで夕食。 Dinner on the deck at that Farrars. |
Let's have s'more time around the campfire! 焚き火の周りにスモールタイムを楽しもう! |
メイジャー野球の観戦 Watching a Major League Baseball Game
One of the many exciting events of the homestay was definitely watching the Twins baseball game. Almost 40,000 people came out to watch!
One of the many exciting events of the homestay was definitely watching the Twins baseball game. Almost 40,000 people came out to watch!
A whole lotta fun! 本当に楽しいの一時 |
A wonderful time with the Larkins. ラーキンさんとの楽しい観戦。 |
This is Target field, where the Minnesota Twins play. ここはミネソタツインズのスタジアムである。ターゲットスタジアムだと呼ばれます。 |
スポセンでレラクス Relaxing at the Y
Pool and Water Volleyball Time プールでのウォーターバレーボールの時間 |
Our Courageous Rock Climbers 勇気のある岩登り団 |
高いトウモロコシ Tall Corn
One of the things that has surprised us is how tall the corn here in Minnesota is. They say that there is a drought but here in Red Wing things are doing just fine. This picture was taken near a restaurant where we went for some good old-fashioned fried chicken.
高さは車の倍くらいです!It's just about twice as tall as the car! |
Mr. Miyazaki, Yui, Kaho, and Mrs. Larkin 宮崎先生、結衣と佳穂ちゃん、そしてラーキンさん |
The Hiking of Barn Bluff バーン・ブラフの登り
Today we had the chance to hike the historic Barn Bluff, a symbol of Red Wing. The weather was perfect and we even got to see actual rock-climbers. Good Work everyone!
At the entrance to the trail! ハイキング道の入口の前。 |
Surrounded by the woods. 森林浴。 |
Two daring explorers. よく頑張った2人の冒険者。 |
Even though the scenery was beautiful, we had to keep a good eye on the road to keep us from falling. 景色は奇麗のに、道をちゃんと見ないと 倒れるかもしれません。 |
At the top, a victory picture. In the back, Red Wing. 優勝の写真。背景はレッドウィング市です。 |
Looking out over the plains at the top of the hill. バーンブラフの頂からミネソタ州の平地がよく見えます。 |
岩登りさんを発見。We found a couple actual rock-climbers. |
阿達先生からの一言。A word from Mr. Adachi
「 ホストファミリーとともに、生徒達は10時30分にバーン・ブラフの前に集合しました。そうです。彼らはバーン・ブラフに登ったのです。バーン・ブラフはレッドウィングの東の地域にあります。沢山の高い木が生い茂っています。彼らは、おしゃべりをしながら森の中を歩きました。日本で言う森林浴ですね。バーン・ブラフは子供から大人まで男女を問わずみんながウォーキングを楽しめる奇麗な所です。生徒達は、アメリカの新しい友達ととても素敵な時間を過ごしました。」
"At 10:30 this morning, all the students gathered with their host families in front of Barn Bluff. That's right, they climbed Barn Bluff. Barn Bluff is a hill located in the eastern section of Red Wing. A lot of trees were growing along the path to the top. They walked and walked in the forest, chatting with each other. In Japan, this kind of walking is called "Shinrin-yoku" Which means "bathing in a forest"(figuratively) Barn Bluff is a nice place for men and women of all ages to come enjoy walking in a forest abundant with trees. Today the students had a wonderful time with their new American friends."
Thank you, Mr. Adachi!
レッドウィングシューズ工場の視察 Touring inside the Red Wing Shoe Factory
One of the many places that the students got to see during this trip was the Red Wing Shoe Factory. Here you can see the students on the factory floor as well as up in the observation balcony above. The chaperons went with four students today and the other six are planning to go another day when their schedules allow.
One of the many places that the students got to see during this trip was the Red Wing Shoe Factory. Here you can see the students on the factory floor as well as up in the observation balcony above. The chaperons went with four students today and the other six are planning to go another day when their schedules allow.
写真は揺れていますが、素敵な笑顔ですので載せるの仕方ないです。 The picture is a bit blurry but the smiles are so good I couldn't help but post it. |
Inside the factory. 工場の中 |
案内してくれたツアーガイドさんです。 Our tour guide who showed us around the factory. |
工場の出入口です。The entrance to the Red Wing Shoe Factory |
教頭先生からの一言 A Word from the Vice Principal
ホームステイを始めて、今日でちょうど半分になる。歓迎会後、1日開けて会員が集まった。少し慣れて来たためか表情にゆとりができてきた。ホームシックの様子もなく元気で活動していることが分かった。さて、今日の計画は、ミネソタ科学博物館とセイントポール大聖堂の見学となっている。科学博物館では、物理、化学、生物、地学の分野の事象と分かりやすく理解するための装置を設置しており、楽しみながら学べるようになっていた。昼食をしてから、「Under The Sea」のドキュメンタリー映画を観賞した。セントポール大聖堂の見学はすでにこともあり、それぞれで判断することとなった。また伶奈、真璃那は明日からデック家でお世話になる。新しい出会いをまた楽のしんで欲しい。
Host Family and Origami ホストファミリーと折り紙
Today's entry is brought to us by Mr. Adachi, our chaperone and Ikata Junior-high school English teacher. 本日の記事は伊方中学校の英語の先生が書いてくれました。
"It's a beautiful day in Red Wing. Students a whole day with their host family. Yesterday, some students said to me, "We made satsuma-jiru and yakisoba for our family." Other students brought "origami" a colorful Japanese paper from Japan and made paper planes together. They are not only staying in Red Wing but are also trying to tell their own culture to their new friends. How wonderful! I am sure that they could have a wonderful time on this beautiful day. "
"It's a beautiful day in Red Wing. Students a whole day with their host family. Yesterday, some students said to me, "We made satsuma-jiru and yakisoba for our family." Other students brought "origami" a colorful Japanese paper from Japan and made paper planes together. They are not only staying in Red Wing but are also trying to tell their own culture to their new friends. How wonderful! I am sure that they could have a wonderful time on this beautiful day. "
Lake Pepin ペピン湖 |
Science Museum Tour 科学博物館の見学
Today we went to the Science Museum of Minnesota. We learned about the nature of Minnesota and even saw dinosaur fossils. It was so interesting! After eating lunch at a restaurant in the museum, we went to the incredibly large Omnitheater where we learned about life under the sea.
Today we went to the Science Museum of Minnesota. We learned about the nature of Minnesota and even saw dinosaur fossils. It was so interesting! After eating lunch at a restaurant in the museum, we went to the incredibly large Omnitheater where we learned about life under the sea.
音楽の理科を勉強。Studying the science of music. |
An American Breakfast アメリカの朝食
Today we had breakfast with the Larkins. Thank you so much for inviting us over to your wonderful home. The breakfast was healthy and so delicious. It was a kind of omelet-like breakfast that used eggs, ham, and onions and on the side we had fruit and to drink we had coffee and orange juice.
ちなみに、全部の陶器はラーキンさんの作った陶器です。Oh and by the way, all of the pottery was made by Mr. Larkin himself!
In front of the Larkin residence. ラーキンさんの家の前 |
ハッピー朝食=ハッピー顔 A Happy Breakfast = Happy Faces |
Our Menu! Thank you so much! メニューです!ごちそうさまでした! |
Welcome Party 歓迎会
Today's entry in The Flying Mikan was written by our chaperone, Mr. Adachi. 本日のザ・フライング・みかんの記事は引率者である阿達先生が書いて頂きました。
"Today the students took part in the "Kinnen Shokuju" in Colvill Park and planted a tree in commemoration of their home stay in Red Wing. It was a beautiful day without clouds. After that, a welcome party was held for the students by the members of the International Exchange Association of Red Wing. At the beginning of the party, the students demonstrated "Eisa" a type of Japanese taiko performance. They did a good job. They also were able to enjoy nice food while chatting with their new friends in Red Wing. All ten students were able to make many friends and strengthen the friendship between Ikata and Red Wing today."
記念植樹の記念写真 Commemorative Tree-Planting's Commemorative Photograph |
植えた木です!元気で成長して! It's the tree we planted! Grow strong and healthy. |
コルビルパークの友好の森 The Friendship Grove of Colvill Park |
Two Ikata students from this year's exchange play with Red Wing students who went to Ikata 5 years ago. 伊方町の生徒の2人は5年前に伊方町に派遣してきたレッドウィングの2人と遊びます。 |
リバーシティーデイズ・パレード River City Days Parade
Today was the day of the parade and boy what a great day it was. Clear and comfortable weather, sunny and not a point over 80, and the crowds came out en masse to cheer us on. In fact, there were so many people at the parade that we quickly ran out of things to pass out. The best part was that all the kids looked like they were really having a great time the entire time they were perfuming, all smiles and high spirits from start to finish! Thank you so much!
A quick picture before the start パレードが始まる前に集合写真を撮りました。 |
トムさん(姉妹都市委員会の前の会長)は今年も車を貸してくれました。 Tom was so nice and let us use his car again this year. |
ホストファミリーであるフェールさんのみんなも手伝ってくれました。ありがとうございました! The Farrar family helped us out passing out candy and holding the banner. Thank you very much! |
パレードが始まる前に、緊張感はあったかも知れません。 They might have been a little nervous before the parade got started.. |
During the Parade パレード中 |
フェールさん、手伝っていただいてありがとうございました! Thank you so much for helping us out Mr. Farrar! |
Performing on Fourth Street フォースストレート(道の名前)で演奏 |
Even the chaperons were having a great time! 引率者も楽しんだかもしれません。 |
So many people came out to see the parade! 大勢な人がパレードを応援してくれました。 |
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