
Farewell Fireworks 送別会で花火を

The Red Wing students have had a wonderful time. Fire works at our good bye dinner hope nobody gets hurt like Katie S, she made her Japanese mother nervous when she got slightly hurt.

-by Steve


Fireworks 花火

Emily & Hailee エミリーとヘイリー

The girls say,

"See you in a few days, mom!"


"I'm not coming home!"


「また明後日ね!」 と 「もう帰らないよ!」

Farewell Party お別れ会

Playing "Ninja" 「忍者」で国際交流

A new game learned by the Ikata kids, Ninja.
-by Steve

Fishing 釣り

The Red Wing students help Mr. Sasaki fish.
-by Steve


Going Shopping お買い物

Hannah, Maho and Mana getting ready to take Chris shopping.


Taking a Break 休憩

The men of Ikata have worked hard spraying bugs today. Now they have a break, they have invited Chris and me to join them.

-by Steve




Hanging Out のんびり!

Just hanging out on a very hot day in Ikata. The other students went to Matsuyama.

-by Steve




Fun outdoors 自然の楽しみ

A bbq after swimming, oops we forgot the plates. Chop sticks and fingers work very good.

-by Steve



Barbecue! バーベキュー♡

We are having a great time at da barbeque!! Pocky mushrooms are good
. A message to all the moms- WE LOVE YOU.

We are all having fun, peace out yo.

-by Steve





Cooking Class- Part 2

More cooking in Ikata-- Chris was a good student.
-by Steve

Cooking Class

Cooking class in Ikata.
-by Steve

Calligraphy 習字

The girls and their host brothers and sisters are sharing a cool, relaxing experience of Japanese calligraphy- and sometimes the alphabet with Japanese brushes!


Soumen-part two そうめん流しその2

Soumen-nagashi そうめん流し

We went to Heikedani Park for a light lunch of soumen noodles and soup, served up in a most extraordinary way. The noodles are prepared in the kitchen behind a wall, and come floating by in fast-running water. You catch the noodles with chopsticks, immerse them in your bowl of soup, and enjoy.



Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts in Ikata.
-by Steve

Children's Playroom 児遊館

We got more than our daily dose of sweetness when we visited the kids in their special afterschool play center!


Ikata Visitors' House ビジターズハウス

Healthy competition - who can generate the most energy?


Windmill Park 風の丘パーク

We took a group picture at the usual spot at Ikata's Windmill Park, and now we're off to Kamegaike Onsen!


Giant black butterflies (^O^) アゲハ蝶

Log house night! ログハウス宿泊

Tonight we're all staying in log houses like this one at beautiful Seto Agritopia!

今夜、みんなは瀬戸アグリトピアのこのようなログハウスに泊まります〜 超きれいです!

Welcome Party 歓迎親睦会

Send-off ceremony 結団式及び投稿説明会

The eight Ikata students and their parents attended. They feel like they're really going now!

伊方の派遣生8名と保護者たちが出席しました。そして、本当に行く!という実感ができたでしょうか? (≧∇≦)

Red Wing Park

Between pottery and the tree-planting ceremony, the girls checked out Ikata's famous Red Wing Park slide!


Yūmi 夕海さん

Yūmi Yamashita: a budding artist! While everyone was taking photos like no tomorrow, she was quietly sketching away.

山下夕海さんは上手なアーティストですね! みんなが騒いだり写真を撮ったりしながら、山下さんは静かに素敵な絵を描いていました。

Camera Wars フォト競争

The Ikata kids and Red Wing girls are having a full out photo war.


Pottery 陶芸

After a visit to Ikata JHS this morning, the girls and their host brothers and sisters are painting and throwing pottery at the development center at Red Wing Park.



In Ikata 伊方到着

We arrived in Ikata ahead of schedule at 6pm!

After a short wait in the town hall lobby, the host families came with their welcome signs and everyone finally got to meet. Mr. Hirose gave a short welcome speech, we took a group photo, and then everyone went home with their Red Wing students. On hearing he was checked in to Hotel Ikata, Mrs. Sasaki made a kind offer on the spot to host Steve along with Chris, so starting tomorrow he'll have a host family, too!

Since I can't actually stay with the host families myself, I won't be posting as many photos for a couple of days, until our tree-planting ceremony and welcome dinner on Monday.

Over and out!

the Seto Inland Sea 瀬戸内海

Here we are, traversing the Seto Inland Sea. It's a fine sunny day, and the breeze off the bow is salty and refreshing. There's another hour to go before we reach Matsuyama.



Regan レーガン

We are now on the ferry to Matsuyama!
Regan says, "I ustEdes"(I don't know, her words not mine:))



Lisa リサ

Lisa says, "This is the best ice cream ever!"


Hailee ヘイリー

Hailee says, "I love the deer!"


Hannah ハナ

Hannah says, "Hi Mom! I like kitties."


Katie ケイティ

Katie's thoughts on dressing up in Heian era kimono: "It was hot, it was heavy, but it was kind of cool."


Emily エミリー

Emily's thoughts on breakfast in the land of the rising sun: "Fish for breakfast is weird."


To Miyajima! 宮島へ

We just boarded the ferry, and the girls are all super hungry for dinner at Hotel Makoto!

フェリーに乗ったところです! 女の子はみんなペコペコだそうですが、宮島に着いたらすぐに夕食を食べる予定です。

Peace Park & Museum 平和記念公園

We made it into the museum a little over an hour before closing time.


Hiroshima 原爆ドーム


Lunch お昼

We won't make it to Hiroshima for a lunch of okonomiyaki at Okonomi-mura like last year, but we've bought plenty of bento, tea, and snacks to enjoy on the train instead.


Onward! 出発

We managed to beat the clock and get on an earlier bullet train-- the 11:57 Nozomi from Shinagawa to Hiroshima. We expect to arrive about 4pm. This may just give us time to see the Peace Museum!


embassy errand 時間潰し

Here they are, chilling in a somewhat familiar setting while things are finally resolved at the embassy. Next we'll need to get the immigrations process done at an office in Shinagawa, and from there we will board the bullet train for Hiroshima!


Steve's here! ステゴラお父さん

Steve landed and found his way to the hotel in record time last night. We're glad to have him with us!


Ameyoko- Sweet Street

On our way to dinner at an izakaya, we walked through Ueno's famous Ameyoko street, which is crammed with vendors selling everything from treats to fresh fish, clothes, bags, and shoes.


Tokyo Tower 東京タワー

We went all the way up to the top!



原宿 Harajuku

out on the town 東京に出て

Light rain this morning en route to the embassy.


Breakfast 朝食

The girls were brave and tried some natto (fermented soybeans with sauce and mustard) with their breakfast this morning! They still seem a little tired, not surprising considering their 26+ hour transit time.

納豆の挑戦! 今朝皆さんはまだちょっと疲れた様子ですが、昨日は26時間以上移動していたものですね。