
Day 4 - Pottery Museum, Red Wing Shoes, and Disc Golf

Note: I would like to apologize for the slow updating of posts. There have been issues with trying to upload photos on a mobile device, so please look forward to longer posts and more photos after the program is finished. Thank you for your understanding,

Today, we first visited the Red Wing Pottery Museum. They gave us candy to start out the tour. The pottery in Red Wing is known for its stoneware which was used to keep practical items such as water, dried meats, vegetables, and medicine.
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We then visited the world-famous Red Wing Shoes company which has the world's largest boot. The boot can fit the size of the Statue of Liberty. The kids enjoyed dressing up in various work uniforms representing people who would wear these shoes.

In the afternoon, we met again at Memorial Park to play disc golf - a sport where you throw frisbee-like discs into a basket.

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