Going halfway around the world to stay in the home of a family whose members you have never met before in a culture that is different from your own can be both exciting and intimidating. But with the right preparations, both the kind you put in your suitcase and the kind you prepare in your mind, you should have absolutely no problem. Here are ten great ways to begin to prepare your mind for your upcoming homestay experience.
① 心を開いて、積極的に参加すること。
Be open and curious!
② 落ち着いて暮らすこと。
Relax and be comfortable.
③ 新たな体験から避けないこと。
Don't shy away from new experiences.
④ 英語ではっきりと話す。 同じフレーズを数回繰り返しても、気にしないこと。
Speak as clearly as you can in Japanese, don't get down if it takes more than a couple tries.
⑤ 言いたいことが通じなくても、ジェスチャーとボディ・ランゲージが使える。笑って!^^
Even even words don't work, we can always use gestures and body language. Smile! :D
⑥ 無理に自分の体を押し付かないこと。(水分不足に注意しよう。)
Know your body's limits (it's a summer homestay so stay hydrated)
⑦ ホームステイとは家族の一員になるということだから、できる限り家事で手伝うこと。
Remember you are joining a family, not staying at a hotel, so try to help out around the house.
⑧ ホストファミリーの生活を試してみること。(ホストファミリーを真似してみる)
Try to live life like your host family does, it's one easy way to show respect.
⑨ ホストファミリーに感謝の気持ちを表すこと。
In whatever way, big or small, let your host family know you are grateful for them inviting you into their home.
⑩ 実際のホームステイは、想像しているイメージとは違うかもしれませんが、それは大丈夫です。
Realize that the homestay experience that you may be imagining will, most likely, be different that what it really is, and that's OK.
Note: A homestay is about understanding other
cultures. Growing up, many of our cultural perceptions are grossly generalized.
As you will see, there are plenty of people in Japan who do not know karate, own a kimono or
katana, or relax by writing haiku and listening to the local Buddhist priest
play the shamisen. You will also see that there are many things that your host
family may assume about you because you are an American: you love meat, eat a
lot more than the average Japanese, can not use chopsicks, etc. Even though
some assumptions may be true, think of differences as good learning
opportunities for everyone. Give a brief explanation, and don’t feel like you
need to conform to expectations you are uncomfortable with.
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