Today was a very hot day. (I wondered if one of us had accidentally brought some of Ikata's heat and humidity over in our luggage.) We dressed in yukata, jimbei, and happi with our Red Wing friends and walked or rode in the parade. It was tiring, but looking at all the people who had come out to watch, we were very glad to be a part of it.
We were lucky enough to have our farewell party in an air-conditioned church hall.
We were delighted to see Red Wing's mayor, the honorable John Howe, and take a picture with him.
Afterwards, we received a lovely gift-- the group photo we took yesterday on nice paper with a sturdy frame. We all got busy getting signatures and messages from our families, friends, classmates, and chaperons.
Tomorrow morning, of course, we in the Ikata group will leave. We all wish we could be here longer, but as it is, we are very grateful for the precious time we've been able to spend with our new families and friends in Red Wing. Thank you all so very much!